Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Medical City visit Tuesday April 7th

Today was a good day to visit Dad. When I arrived this morning they were transporting Dad to conduct his radiation treatment. They literally wheel him out of the room to an ambulance so he can be transported 1 mile down the road. The personnel there told him he had 5 more visits for radiology.
Dad had his feeding tube operation yesterday and all seems well. The nutrionist has not visited yet. This will be a crucial session since the failure to keep down proper nutrition put him in Medical City in the first place.
I talked to Paula, his nurse. She said his platelet count is currently 145, much better than the count of 34 last week.
I am off this afternoon to check his apartment for food items that need to be disposed of as well as collection his drycleaning.
More as we go forward this week.

1 comment:

  1. Great photo :) I am so glad that Dad is doing well and that the feeding tube was a sucess! I hope we can encourage him to keep up with the feedings!
