Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tracy's email

This is Tracy's email since she is having problems posting!

Sorry for not posting to the blog.........issue with sign-in continue

Dr. Kirby called me today per my requests. He stated that Dad is on a "day to day" regimen until he is able to have surgery when his platelet count gets higher. He ordered IV nutrition for today beginning this evening. Hopefully, that will boost his energy, too.

Dr. Kirby is concerned that Dad is not "ready" for any kind of surgery particularly with his strength levels. It is my understanding that when the platelets counts go up (with the help of the shots and nutrition) he will access whether or not Dad is able to sustain a surgery right away or whether Dad will need to wait a few more days until his strength comes back and he can withstand a feeding tube surgery. I also mentioned to Dr. Kirby that it was our desire to have Dad operating the feeding tube BEFORE we leave the hospital. He agreed with me.

All in all, Dad is in good spirits when I visited with him today. He's understands that it's a "waiting" game at this point. Although we have stopped all treatment( chemo, radiation), Dad is still positive that he can pick up where he left off. According to Dr. Kirby, we still have a big fight ahead of us with beating this cancer since we have stopped treatment for a 2nd time. Meaning, we have to backtrack making the length of chemo treatments now even longer than we thought. Please don't reiterate that to Dad because he might feel defeated at this point.

Bobbie is visiting Dad everyday. Please keep in touch with him as much as you can. His immune system is NILL so visitors are restricted (meaning my kids won't be seeing him) no plants, flowers, etc. ....big sign on the door with a lists of many NO's! Pray he doesn't get anything while he's boosting his platelets!!


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