Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Update from Dr visit and other items of interest

Dad seems to be comfortable. He is actually using the cane to get around the house, including up and down the stairs. Dad started Remeron last night. This is an appetite stimulant and an anti-depressant. It can also promote restful sleep. We are taking him back to the wound care center today at 1pm. The plan is to meet with Hospice on Friday at 3pm to discuss palliative care management, etc. The follow-up appointment with Dr Shinn is scheduled for next Monday at 1pm. The feeding tube issue is going to be a topic of conversation. This is a very difficult conversation right now (worse than the walker/cane item). Dad's answer is to go to hospital to get an IV. That is not a good plan.
Suzanne is exploring the potential of coming to see Dad the weekend of May 1-2. To be decided later I am sure. She has booked flights.
Dad eats soups and small dabs of other items, but is struggling with swallowing and pain associated with any type of nutrition.
Dad is in a decent mood. He is fairly conversational and his mind is clear. He did go outside yesterday for the first time on the rooftop garden. Small steps!

1 comment:

  1. I am sure John appreciates all the Good Professional care he is getting in Fayetteville. My only warning is watch out for Cyrus...He Bites.He would enjoy a walk or ride around the Park.I think that Sadie and Izzie could be hooked up like a Dog Sled team to a wagon, but he might be the next Run-Away Toyota?
    Love, Dick and Diana Larke
